Purpose & Goal

Love Heart
Lets go to the heart of the matter.

Sage’s purpose: To bring messages into our physical world and teach in order to reach as many of you as possible who are ready, willing and able to look “IN” to yourselves and take steps to change and live to your fullest potential; mentally, emotionally, physically, financially and most importantly spiritually.

Without the spiritual/soul satisfaction, the rest of life feels VOID. With the spiritual/ soul satisfaction, the rest is MAGNIFIED with fulfillment and lasting success.

Sage’s goals: *To facilitate your spiritual development thru messages from the Source, Higher Self, High Angels or personal Guides.
*To teach or mentor you to develop trust in your own Self.
*To assist by giving suggestions as assignments to begin with small steps.
*To support you to become aware of your own powers through words, prayers and affirmations.
*To assist in defining what your purpose, gifts and talents are in this life, with the messages from Angels/ Guides.

Sage’s Mission:
*To be as pure a conduit as I possibly can for God/ Divine Creator/ Source/ Spirit .
* To be clear, grounded and the best example I can be using my God-given gifts and talent.

Sage’s Philosophy: That we are all “angels in disguise”, playing/practicing being human in order to experience how well we REMEMBER the universal principles that are available in “plain sight”.

“How well can we; “Be still and know? Be still and listen? Be still and see”? ..so that we can BECOME / COME TO BE who we really are – SACRED OFFSPRING OF GOD.” Sage.    


Hi, have you experienced any of these psychic topics? What techniques have you learned that helped you the most?

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